Friday, August 03, 2007

A Beautiful Poem A Man Called Dog

A Man Called Dog

by nick sym

A Man Called Dog

There is a man, for whom I have gained respect,
for most he keeps the streets safe
Within a circle holding hands tightly,
his posse speaks the words of faith
Pictures on the wall of those who lost hope,
he prays for every one
Chasing those in the mysteries of the night,
or through the heat of the blazing sun
A family man so loving,
you can see it in his children's eyes
A sense of humour with Beth,
he can always get a rise
Meth, crack, ice, or H,
it's all garbage which leaves you in a fog
But be warned, one day, and I am certain,
you will have to face
The Dog

By Nick Sym
Written by: nick sym

This beautiful Poem is used by Special
Permission from the auther.

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